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What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Researched shows a strong potential for improving mental wellbeing

Relaxing mindfulness for children

Reduced Anxiety

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) was shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and depression among adolescents, and these effects were maintained at a 3 month follow-up. MBSR also improved self-esteem and sleep quality.


Biegel et al (2009)

Practice Belly Breathing to target anxious thoughts and feelings!

Stix Monster - Anxiety
Stix Monster - Focus

Improved Focus

A school-based mindfulness training program involving 8 weekly sessions of 30 minutes each improved children's attention and behaviour. The program included both child and teacher components and was well received by children and teachers. It also increased classroom engagement and prosocial behaviour.


Segal et al (2014)

Test your focus skills with Stix Balance!

Supports ADHD & Autism

A pilot study of 8 adolescents with ADHD who took part in a mindfulness course and showed significant improvements in inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, quality of life, and


Zylowska (2008)

Learn to pay attention and control your thoughts & feelings with Stix Surfing.

Supporting Neurodiversity
Improve classroom behaviour

Better Classroom Behaviour

Practice the Stix 'Thoughts & Feelings' activity package to learn techniques to help at school. 

School-based mindfulness interventions improve social and emotional skills, reduce aggressive behaviour, and improve academic achievement in children. Effects are stronger for younger children and for interventions with both teacher and student components.​


Schonert-Reichl and Hymel (2007)

Better Sleep 

A study with adolescents aged 13-19 constituted a 6 session intervention that included components of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and insomnia treatment. There were significant reductions in mental health distress and improvements in sleep.


Bootzin and Stevens (2005)

Lie down and practice Stix Snow Angel before bed to help you get to sleep.

Stix Monster - Sleeping
Mental wellbeing support for children

Interactive Wellbeing Activities Children Enjoy

Mindfulness principles, such as deep breathing and focus, have been show to improve sleep quality, daily focus and concentration, whilst reducing anxiety.


Stix makes these activities enjoyable for children!

Mental wellbeing support for children
Mindful Mondays

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